Why i can't find NFT in my profile?
GrandBazar is an NFT marketplace and like any other NFT marketplace is a kind of a window that displays tokens stored in your crypto wallet. We will discuss 3 the most common causes of why your NFT is not displayed on GrandBazar.
1. Your wallet connected incorrectly
Check if you have chosen the correct wallet to connect to grandbazar. Check the network (in your wallet) that you have chosen. If you are logging through Ever Wallet, the network must be Mainnet.
There you can find an easy guide how to connect via crypto wallet.
2. Transaction is delayed
It is quite possible that after a mint or purchase on a secondary market, the transaction is still being processed. To check the status of a transaction, use the Everscan platform.
There you can find an easy guide how to find a transcation ID.
3. Your item was delisted
The other possible cause for not seeing your NFT on GrandBazar is that your NFT was delisted. If you found that your collection or an individual item has been delisted, they are most likely in violation of platform rules.
Remind you that the collection or item should not offend other people, pornographic nature, overt cruelty (murder, mutilation, etc.). If your missing item or collection does not have any of the above criteria, write to our support team.
4. Your item is hidden
Check the hidden tab on your profile, your item can be in this section.
