Grandbazar official

Grandbazar official

NFT formats that GrandBazar supports

What file formats can I use to make NFTs? Is

How can I cancel or change the price of NFT on sale?

You can stop the sale of your NFT or change

Where can I check the history of an NFT?

One of the unique benefits of NFTs is the ability

What if my wallet is not connecting?

Sometimes your wallet extension and computer browser might get a

How to Buy EVER?

To get involved with the Everscale ecosystem, chances are you’

Which blockchains and currencies does grandbazar support? is based on EVERSCALE blockchain (former FreeTON). Official

What is a blockchain?

A blockchain is a decentralized database that is shared among

How to reveal hidden NFT?

Ready to make your hidden NFTs visible to others? This

How to hide your NFT?

Want to make your NFTs invisible to others? This guide

How to hide NFT collection on

If you want to make your NFT collection invisible — you